Optimal design of protein-coding sequences



COSMO (Codon Optimization Strategy with Multiple Objectives) is a multicriterion codon optimization algorithm based on dynamic programming. For non-academic or commercial use, please contact the author (A.T.).



The follwing gipped files include source codes, utility Python scripts, sample inputs, and README.txt in which example COSMO commands are written.

Source codes

We have tested these files with CentOS 6 (x86_64), Ubuntu 16 (x86_64).

Benchmark dataset files used in the paper


The following gipped file includes coding sequences used in the benchmarking.

input files for COSMO



Akito Taneda and Kiyoshi Asai, COSMO: A dynamic programming algorithm for multicritera codon optimization, submitted.


Comments, bug reports are welcome. E-mail: taneda (at) eit.hirosaki-u.ac.jp


Copyright © Akito Taneda, 2018.